QCTO Basic Emergency First Aid Responder (NQF 2)

SP-230801 (Credits 2 NQF LVL 2)

This skills programme is made up of 2 compulsory modules. The course duration is 2 days and focuses on 3 areas, a knowledge-based module, a Practical Skill module and a Final Integrated Summative Assessment. The Skills Programme is an alternative to HWSETA's and TETA's Unit Standards.

Course Overview

The purpose of the skills programme is to build the capacity of a person to work function as a Basic First aid Provider. Basic first aid providers respond to emergency situations to provide efficient and immediate basic medical care to ill and injured persons during emergencies. They use a limited range of equipment and operate within common and uncommon situations providing a basic first aid care service that falls within a strictly regulated scope of work as defined by various regulatory requirements. Incumbents are also expected to continually remain updated on approved new practices and techniques.

Course Includes

  • Day 1: Theory and In-Class Assessments
  • 08:00 am – 16:00 pm (x3 15-minute breaks included)
  • Day 2: Theory and Practical
  • 08:00 am – 16:00 pm (x3 15-minute breaks included)
  • Once all theory has been completed, Learners are taken outside with one facilitator to complete the Practical Evaluation
  • Final Examination to be held from 09:00 am – 10 am the following day
  • Classes are subject to a maximum of 12 – 15 learners per facilitator

A qualified learner will be able to:

  • Conduct incident scene safety and patient assessment and management within scope.
  • Provide basic emergency first aid care and secondary assessments of the affected persons for life-threatening conditions.
  • Apply continuous basic emergency first aid care to mitigate pain and facilitate healing.
  • Hand the treated person over to the next level of medical care with associated documentation.
  • Communicate with affected and all stakeholders.
  • Conduct post-incident clean-up.

The main benefits of this qualification for the learner are that the learner:

  • Equips individuals to handle emergencies effectively in various settings, enhancing overall safety.
  • Provides practical skills and knowledge to manage emergencies confidently and efficiently.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to safety, improving professional and personal reputation in roles requiring first aid knowledge.

This qualification is made up of the following compulsory Knowledge/Theory and Practical Skill Modules:


Fundamental Concepts and Principles of Basic Emergency First Aid ID


Unit Standard Title

NQF Level


Fundamental Concepts and Principles of Basic Emergency First Aid
NQF Level 02


The purpose of this knowledge module is to equip learners with a general understanding of the key concepts and principles that underpin the tasks performed by a basic emergency first aider.

The module will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of:
  • Fundamental Principles and Objectives of Basic Emergency First Aid
  • Applied Basic Emergency First Aid
  • Basic Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Principles of recognising injuries and illnesses and providing appropriate basic emergency first aid treatment

Fundamental Principles and Objectives of Basic Emergency First Aid
  • The purpose of basic emergency first aid
  • The ABCs of emergency first aid - Airway, Breathing, and Circulation
  • The role of a basic First Aid Provider and the scope of practice of providing basic first aid
  • Fundamental legal and ethical principles that must be adhered to when providing basic first aid
  • Maintaining personal health and safety as a basic Emergency First Aider

Applied Basic Emergency First Aid
  • Importance of ensuring safety at an incident scene and the fundamental principles of achieving appropriate scene safety
  • Principles processes and standards for initial and ongoing assessment of the affected person to determine what treatment is required
  • Do’s and dont's of communication with bystanders, emergency services, and the affected person in a first aid situation
  • Guidelines for determining appropriate action to deal with the assessed situation, action must be appropriate and within the scope of work allowed at a basic first aid level
  • Concepts, principles, and guidelines for reassessment and monitoring of the affected person’s condition
  • Guidelines and legal considerations relating to the effective handover between first aiders and emergency services
  • Guidelines and purpose of appropriate record keeping and incident reporting
  • Need for and principles of post scene cleanup

Basic Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Fundamentals of the respiratory system and how injuries to and illnesses of the system can threaten life
  • Fundamentals of the cardiovascular system
  • Fundamentals of the nervous system
  • Fundamentals of the musculoskeletal system
  • Fundamentals of the integumentary system

Principles of recognising injuries and illnesses and providing appropriate basic emergency first aid treatment
  • Principles and processes of primary assessment and treating of affected person as per findings
  • Concepts and principles of Secondary assessment and treating as per findings
  • Principles and processes for controlling bleeding
  • Principles and processes for managing an affected person who is not breathing
  • Concepts and principles for managing an unconscious patient
  • Methods and principles of identifying and treating shock
  • Basic concepts and principles for identifying and managing sprains, strains, fractures, and dislocations
  • Basic principles and methods to recognise and manage heart attack, and stroke
  • Basic principles and methods to recognise and manage environmental emergencies such as Hypo and hyperthermia
  • Basic principles and methods to recognise and manage poisoning, venomous bites, and insect and animal stings


Applying the Basic Techniques of Emergency First Aid to Assess and Manage Emergencies


Unit Standard Title

NQF Level


Applying the Basic Techniques of Emergency First Aid to Assess and Manage Emergencies
NQF Level 02


The purpose of the practical skill module is to provide learners with practical skills coaching and hands-on exposure in the key skills required to assess and manage defined basic medical, trauma, and environmental emergencies.

The learner will be required to:
  • Assess and manage an emergency

Assess and manage an emergency
  • Assess an emergency incident scene and make it safe for entry and delivery of basic first aid
  • Assess and manage patients with breathing difficulties
  • Assess and manage bleeding, wounds, and burns
  • Assess and manage unconsciousness, and place patients in the recovery position
  • Assess and manage traumatic injuries
  • Communicate with the patient and stakeholders
  • Hand over the patient to emergency medical service personnel with documentation
  • Perform post incident cleanup of the scene

All our Learners are provided with: A CPR Mouthpiece to take home. A First Aid Training Manual. License on completion of the course (QCTO provides official certificate). This qualification articulates horizontally with the “Skills Programme: Perform basic life support and first aid procedures NQF Level 01”

Awaken your individual and organisational potential by contacting us today, we look forward to hearing from you!

We are accredited with the following institutions

Liderazgo Accreditation

Training Courses

Click here to see our public courses. Training courses include First Aid Level 1, Health and Safety,
Fire Fighting, and Incident and Accident Investigation.

Liderazgo has adopted a Blended Learning Approach.

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QCTO Training Courses

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