Professional Business Etiquette

Liderazgo Training

This course is accredited with Service SETA and is aligned to Unit Standard 14359. NQF level 2, 5 Credits.
Duration: 2 day course

Course Overview

Etiquette encompasses the prescriptive elements of culture – the things people are expected to do and say, or to avoid doing and saying.

The significance of Business Etiquette is that it provides a framework within which business people can operate as they communicate and collaborate.

Attention to etiquette is a sign of professionalism and respect for others and it can make positive first impressions while building trust among colleagues. When business colleagues and partners adhere to a well understood code of etiquette it can be easier for diverse individuals to work together focusing their energies on the task at hand rather than trying to understand cultural eccentricities.

Liderazgo’s Business Etiquette programme encompasses a wide range of factors that come into play providing a commonly understood framework for social and workplace interaction.

Learning Outcomes

  • Importance of branding, customer care, employee engagement, team synergy and what they can do for you.
  • Value and benefits of a positive attitude.
  • Understanding and the importance of adopting a Company Code of Conduct
  • Importance of first impressions, networking and the 3C’s.
  • Minimising nervousness.
  • Value and impact of professional communication, remembering names, the meet and greet and 4 levels of conversation.
  • Email Etiquette and the Written Letter.
  • Business Ethics.
  • Greeting guests in the reception area and dealing with unexpected guests
  • Etiquette on the telephone, personal calls, cell phones and confidentiality.
  • Understanding business dining style, dining in and eating out.
  • Chairing and participating in business meetings.
  • Marketing yourself through body language.

Awaken your individual and organisational potential by contacting us today, we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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